Ghostwriter FAQs
Our ghostwriters are often asked the same things, so to help our clients we’ve compiled a list of the most common questions (and answers) below. Of course, you’re very welcome to email us if you have a specific query, but take a look at this page first – you may just find exactly the answer you’re looking for.
General Ghostwriting Questions
1. How does the ghostwriting process generally work?
2. Do you have ghost writers with specific experience?
3. I already have a manuscript, but I need it rewritten.
4. How long does a ghostwriting project take?
5. How will you gather material for my book?
6. May I choose the location for my ghostwriting interviews?
7. How many interviews are needed for a complete book?
8. I’m confused about copyright and ghostwriting. If a ghost writer writes my manuscript, does the copyright belong to me or the ghostwriter?
Ghostwriter Publishing Questions
1. How can I get my book published?
2. I’ve got an idea for a book – what are my chances of getting published?
3. I’ve heard self-publishing might be a good idea. Can you tell me more?
4. If I invest in your services, can you ensure my book gets published?
Ghostwriter Payment Questions
1. What are the average costs involved in having a book ghost-written?
2. Do your ghost writers ever enter into shared royalties arrangements?
3. Can I arrange a payment plan?
4. How can I pay you/what payment methods do you accept?
Ghostwriter Celebrity Questions
1. I need a celebrity autobiography written – do you have experience?
2. If you write my autobiography/book, can you help get it published?
3. Do you work on a shared royalties (profit share) basis with celebrities?
4. Can you work with my existing literary agent/publisher?
5. How can I make sure everything is kept confidential?
Ghostwriter Fiction Questions
1. I’ve got a great fiction idea – can you help me turn it into a bestseller?
2. Do you write fiction projects for celebrities, and if so how does this work?
3. I’ve written a fiction book/novel but it’s not very well written. Can you help me rewrite it?
Ghostwriting and Confidentiality
General Ghostwriter Questions
1. How does the ghostwriting process generally work?
Ghostwriting can work in a number of different ways, but most commonly we’ll chat with you briefly by phone or email to get an overview of what you need, then meet you in person for an initial interview. After this interview, we’ll get on with ghostwriting your chapter plan/book synopsis and sample pages and when you’re happy with this we’ll start ghostwriting the rest of the book. This usually means another few days of interviewing, and then several months writing up the material. We usually send back material in stages for your approval – generally between 4-8 stages, depending on the length of your manuscript. Most writers accept payment in stages but will expect a retainer up front before work begins.
2. Can you find me a ghost writer who has specific experience/knows about a certain subject?
Professional ghost writers can produce ghostwriting on any number of subjects without firsthand experience. However, because we are a group of ghost writers the chances are that between us we’ll be able to provide the ghostwriting experience you need. We’ve produced ghostwriting for a wide range of purposes, from celebrity autobiographies to children’s TV, but more importantly we’re professional writers who will always research whatever subject you’d like us to write about.
3. I already have a manuscript, but I need it rewritten. Can you help?
Absolutely. We love rewriting manuscripts and we’ve helped clients get some really good results in the past. Additionally, ghostwriting will almost certainly be better value if you require a manuscript to be rewritten, rather than a brand-new manuscript created from scratch, as there’ll usually be no need for interviewing.
4. How long will it take for my ghostwriting project to be completed?
Time frames will vary from project to project. To give you an irritatingly vague estimate, a book can take anything from three months to a year to ghost-write. The average time taken to write a non-fiction book is 4-6 months, and for a fiction book 10-12 months. We do appreciate that publishers often have commercial deadlines, so we’ve quickly turned around books for publishers before. Just tell us your deadline and we’ll let you know if we can meet it.
5. How will you gather material for my book and get together all the information you need to write it?
We collect information for books in all sorts of ways, but mainly we’ll gather information by interviewing you and other relevant people, and reading any documents you provide us with. Often clients have written a rough draft of their book, which provides us with invaluable information. However, more commonly we’ll interview a client to gather all the material we need. If a client is very busy, we can send lists of questions and a Dictaphone, then transcribe the Dictaphone material and fill in any blanks with telephone calls or emails.
6. I’d like to choose the location for my ghostwriting interviews – is this possible?
We almost always interview clients at a location of their choosing, whether this be their home, place of business or a neutral location such as a hotel room or lobby. Home interviewing usually works out best for ghostwriting, especially for autobiographies, as the ghost writer can get a feel for the client’s life and personality, but any private location can be suitable.
7. How many interviews are needed for a complete book?
Usually four. We tend to interview over four afternoons in 3-4 hour sessions and find this creates around about 50 – 60,000 words of material.
8. I’m confused about copyright and ghostwriting. If a ghost writer writes my manuscript, does the copyright belong to me or the ghost writer?
The person who writes the manuscript, i.e. the ghost writer, automatically owns the copyright by law, even if the ghost writer has been paid a fee to write the manuscript. However, we have contracts allowing us to sign the copyright over to clients, provided all costs etc. have been agreed. We may, for example, agree to sign over most of the copyright but retain a share of the royalties, or we may agree a fee that means we will sign over complete copyright from the start of the project.
Ghostwriting Publishing Questions
1. How can I get my book published?
The best way to get a book published is to thoroughly research which publishers/literary agents might be interested in the sort of book you’ve written, find out what they’d like you to send them (three chapters, synopsis etc.) and then send it. We offer this service for a fee, but it’s really very straight-forward to submit manuscripts to publishers. The Writer’s and Artists Yearbook offers a directory of publishers and agents, so you can find out what sort of books specific publishers/agents are interested in.
2. I’ve got an idea for a book – can you let me know my chances of getting published?
No one can say for certain which books will be successful and which won’t, but we can certainly let you know our thoughts about your specific idea with regards to the publishing climate/market. Most importantly, if your goal is to get published we won’t start working on your project unless we think our ghostwriting can give it a good chance of success. Feel free to email us with your idea and we’ll let you know our thoughts.
3. I’ve heard self-publishing might be a good idea. Can you tell me more about that?
It’s true that these days self-publishing is easier, cheaper and more effective than ever before. Digital printing now means authors can print single copies of their books quite cost-effectively and the internet gives authors access to millions of potential customers. Self-publishing is a good idea if your book will be on a specialist subject that people might directly search for on Google or Amazon. However, with fiction, celebrity books or true-life, it’s best to approach a conventional publisher. We offer a full range of self-publishing services, from designing book covers and internal pages to getting an ISBN number and selling books on Amazon.We can also produce e-book formats.
4. If I invest in your services, can you ensure my book gets published?
We do help clients get published, but we advise anyone purchasing ghostwriting help that there are never any guarantees of publication. We’re professional, published ghost writers but we can’t persuade publishers to take on books if they don’t see a market for them – however much we might like to! What we can promise is that your investment in ghostwriting will up your chances of publication considerably and we will only take on projects we have faith in.
Ghostwriting Payment Questions
1. What are the average costs involved in having a book ghost-written?
On average, a typical manuscript costs around £7,000 including interviews and travel costs.
2. Do your ghost writers ever enter into shared royalties arrangements – i.e. writing for free, then sharing the profits?
Not anymore, but on occasion we will consider negotiating a royalty share to help subsidise a fee.
3. Can I arrange a payment plan?
Yes, of course. We don’t expect you to pay the fee in one hit. We will look to arrange a plan that suits both parties. However, do be aware that most writers will need a retainer for their services up front (never more than half the total fee).
4. How can I pay you/what payment methods do you accept?
Bank transfer. We can also take payment by Paypal, but levy a 5% charge to cover Paypal fees.
Ghostwriting Celebrity Questions
1. I need a celebrity autobiography written – do you have experience in this area?
Yes. We work with celebrities to produce highly readable memoirs that captivate readers and become bookshop favourites. We can also offer publishing advice and help place celebrity books with publishers.
2. If you write my autobiography/book, can you help get it published?
We have good knowledge of the publishing industry and can help place a celebrity autobiography with a publisher. However, once again we can’t offer any guarantees. Celebrity books are much more likely to be bought by publishers than other types of book at present, but it’s always worth bearing in mind that markets can change and ultimately the decision to buy a book will rest with the publishers themselves.
3. Do you work on a shared royalties (profit share) basis with celebrities?
Yes – particularly if a celebrity already has an agent/publisher in place. Because celebrity books are easier to sell, it’s much less risky for us to work on a shared royalties basis. However, we do ask any expenses such as hotel rooms for interviews are covered, and that a one-off payment of £2000 is made (which will be deducted from book sales) to help sustain the writer while the book is being written. The shared royalties split varies from book to book – please talk to us for an exact figure.
4. Can you work with my existing literary agent/publisher?
We’re very happy to work with your literary agent if you have one, as agents can generally negotiate a much better deal all round. Additionally, if you already have a publisher interested we’re very happy to write to a specific style or length. Publishers like having professional writers onboard, so if you already have a publisher interested they’ll more than likely be delighted to work with a professional ghost writer.
5. How can I make sure everything is kept confidential?
We can sign confidentiality agreements before any ghostwriting takes place, so celebrities can rest assured we won’t discuss their project with newspapers or other third parties.
Ghostwriting Fiction Questions
1. I’ve got a great idea for a fiction book – can you help me turn it into a bestseller?
We love working on fiction projects, and we’ve achieved some good results for clients with fiction ideas in the past. However, as always there are no guarantees and fiction, more than any other type of book, is very hard to sell. It’s even harder to predict how successful it will be, so unfortunately we can’t make any promises that our ghostwriting will produce a bestseller – but we will certainly try.
2. Do you write fiction projects for celebrities, and if so how does this work?
Yes, we’ve ghost-written fiction on behalf of celebrities before and achieved some good results. Having a celebrity name on a book can really boost sales, so ghost writer and celebrity can be a real winning combination. Most celebrities have very interesting lives and aren’t short of fiction ideas – it’s just a question of having those ideas written in an engaging, well-structured way.
3. I’ve written a fiction book/novel but it’s not very well written. Can you help me rewrite it?
We can rewrite your existing fiction book and achieve some good results, but more often than not we’ll also suggest some restructuring is needed in addition to rewriting. Ghostwriting is about more than simply writing – there is also a skill involved in structuring a manuscript so it is exciting and well paced. We want to create a fantastic book for you so if restructuring is needed, as well as rewriting, we will tell you so.
Ghostwriting and Confidentiality
1. I need to know you’ll keep my information private if I discuss a project with you. Do you have anything in writing that promises you won’t disclose my story or details to anyone?
Of course. Ghostwriting is a confidential business. We have a standard confidentiality agreement which we can sign and send you before any working agreement is put in place, and this document legally obliges us to keep your information and ideas private. We do ask, however, that you remember we’re working professionals and to only ask for a confidentiality agreement if you have a very good reason for needing one, such as being a celebrity who needs to keep information out of the press.