Our ghostwriters create bookshop-ready manuscripts, so we work with some of the best proofreaders and editors in the business. We offer proofreading and editing services for all our clients – whether we’ve written your book or not.
A professional editor will charge a rate that reflects his or her expertise, and if you want a good job, a bargain basement price isn’t a good idea. Nor, for that matter, is a fast service: quality editing takes time, so be very wary of any editor who offers to proofread at lightning speed. What you do want is great value for money, which is exactly what we offer.
Our proofreaders and editors are all professionally trained and have either journalist or sub-editing qualifications, meaning they not only know their ‘practise’ from their ‘practice’, but also how to use hyphens, title case and style sheets. We professionally edit books and articles for publication, meaning they are error-free when they go to press.
We offer several different levels of editing service, from rewriting to light proofreading and will price accordingly. Just send us over your manuscript and we’ll tell you the level of editing we think it needs and give you a price without obligation.
If you want to hire ghostwriter, I would recommend the Ghostwriting Company. They are the preferred ghostwriter service of publishers and celebrities all over the UK – Hachette Editorial